Tips for Celebrating the Holidays at the Campground

The RV Atlas Podcast
Tips for Celebrating the Holidays at the Campground

Many people think of their RV only in the context of family vacations or quick weekend getaways. However, your RV can be just as fun and useful during the holiday season. Don’t let the weather, the family expectations, or the fact that you’ve already winterized prevent you from using your RV. Instead, let your rig help you manage the stress of the holidays, all while creating new traditions. Once you start spending holidays at the campground, you will want to do it again and again!

Our family has spent a lot of fall and winter holidays at the campground. In that time, we’ve figured out some great options for using your RV during this season and some useful tips.

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Holidays at the Campground Option #1: Driveway Surfing

Holidays often involve a lot of family time–sometimes, too much family time. If you’d like to escape to your own space at the end of a busy day, consider driveway surfing with your RV. This makes it super easy to see the loved ones, while still allowing you some private space away from it all.

Holidays at the Campground Option #2: Staying at a Nearby Campground

Perhaps driveway surfing isn’t a good option. Instead, consider parking at a nearby campground. You can still be close–but not too close–to those you love. This is especially good if you are traveling with kids and want to give them some down time doing outdoor activities or if you want to keep you own bedtime traditions in your own space.

Holidays at the Campground Option #3: Meeting Everyone in the Middle

For some families, getting together at the holidays is a logistical headache. Maybe everyone is spread out too far apart, or perhaps no one has a good space for everyone to gather. Consider finding a resort campground somewhere in the middle. You can park your RV, and your loved ones can stay in a cabin or alternate lodging. A plus side is that this offers a bit of neutral ground, which can be appreciated if your holidays usually come with some unwelcome traditions.

Holidays at the Campground Option #4: Opting Out

For whatever reason, not everyone has warm, cozy feelings about their family or about holidays. Some people find themselves in survival mode instead of celebration mode. There are no laws that dictate how you and your family do the holidays, so feel free to opt out if that’s the best option for you. Step away from the traditions and people that are stressing you out, and forge an all new path. Who knows? You might create some cherished new traditions with those you love most.

holidays at the campground

Quick Tips for Holidays at the Campground

  1. Keep it festive: Decorate, decorate, decorate! At first, Stephanie resisted doing this because she just wanted to escape the stress of the holidays. Eventually, we learned how to add the right amount of festive touches, without feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Bring some old traditions along for the adventure. Again, it might feel tempting to have a clean break from the holidays, but you might regret it if you take a wholly minimal approach. Look for some traditional elements to incorporate from the campground. Perhaps you can do a special Thanksgiving craft or set up a mini-Christmas tree.
  3. Introduce some new traditions. Being at the campground instead of your house means you can create some totally unique new traditions. Holiday lights in the bunks? Hot cocoa around the campfire? Charlie Brown Christmas Tree? Sure! Come up with something fun and memorable.
  4. Think through the prep and cooking logistics of the meal, if you opt to make one at the campground. Consider where will you cook everything, and make sure the pots and pans fit into the RV oven. You just never know what challenges you will face while cooking meals in a small space. Check out some recommendations for some of our favorite recipes below for easy, delicious holidays at the campground.
  5. Invite Friends and Family! Even people who have traditional standing plans on the holiday love to escape quickly after! Invite them to join your campground fun, and extend the connectivity. After all, that’s what the holidays are all about, right?

Recommended Recipes for Holidays at the Campground

Over the years, we’ve found some great recipes that we enjoy eating–and cooking–at the campground. Check out some of our favorites:

Holidays are meant to be a special time celebrating with those we love most. If the thought of spending your holidays at the campground sounds like a great new tradition, we hope these tips help you make special memories.

See you at the campground,
Jeremy + Stephanie

The RV Atlas Podcast
Tips for Celebrating the Holidays at the Campground

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