Today on the RV Atlas podcast we welcome Patrick Botticelli from New Jersey Outdoor Adventures back onto the show for another great episode. Patrick has come on the show before to talk about his Airstream Bambi renovation among other topics. Today he is here to talk about 8 insane DIY Van Builds from his wildly popular New Jersey Outdoor Adventures YouTube channel! These are 8 of his most popular walk through tours and there is link to each of them below.
So after you listen to our discussion about this vans make sure to watch the complete walk-throughs below! This is a great introductory podcast episode for anyone that is interested in DIY van builds. Patrick is an expert and he walks us through the different chassis options and the types of decisions that each of these van owners had to make!
To listen to today’s episode of The RV Atlas click on the media player above! To check out the video tours of these amazing DIY Van Builds just scroll down and click PLAY!
Gilbert and Martha
Daphne and Izzy
Kevin and Taylor
Home Builder from Connecticut
George Morrow from Humble Road