Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Hill Country, Texas

The RV Atlas Podcast
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Hill Country, Texas

For our very first visit to the Hill Country region of Texas, we stayed at Jellystone Park Hill Country and absolutely loved it.

Hill Country is actually a pretty big area, and we wanted to squeeze a lot into our brief 5-day visit. Jellystone Park Hill Country ended up being a perfect basecamp for two reasons:

  1. The campground situated us in a location that was under an hour from all the places we wanted to visit.
  2. Our kids were thrilled to return to the campground’s water park and decompress after each long day of site seeing.

Jellystone Park Hill Country is located one hour southwest of Austin, under an hour northeast of San Antonio, and under an hour southeast of Fredericksburg. Hill Country is a popular vacation destination in Texas, and this campground is probably the most family friendly of all the campground options. Another Jellystone Park in Kerrville is undergoing a major water park renovation, so you may want to check that one out in the near future as well!

Campground Details: Jellystone Park Hill Country

Jellystone Parks are independently owned franchises. This means that while they have some unifying features (Yogi and friends, activities, etc.), you are going to find different amenities at every park. This particular campground happens to be owned by Northgate Resorts, and their Jellystone campgrounds tend to be amenity rich with water parks, splash pads, and packed activity schedules.

The campground is located in a beautiful countryside landscape, and we were impressed with how wooded it is. There are rolling hills throughout the Jellystone Park Hill Country. Plus, the camping loops are spread out to avoid a crowded atmosphere. On holiday weekends and throughout the summer, this place appears to sell out. We highly recommend making reservations in advance unless you are visiting during the week when school is in session.

Campsite Details: Jellystone Park Hill Country

In our opinion, getting the right site is the key to really enjoying your stay at Jellystone Park Hill Country. There is a wide range in site quality. We highly recommend watching our Facebook Live tour of the campground. This way you can decide exactly where you would like to make reservations.

There are a group of sites by the pool that are small and packed in together. Some folks probably like these sites because of their proximity to all the campground action. However, we preferred the sites to the back of the campground (121-150). Here the large pull thrus and back ins were peaceful and shaded.

Amenities and Activities: Jellystone Park Hill Country

This campground has a ton of amenities. But the star of the show is the pool, splash pad, and water park area. There is also an indoor pool and hot tub if the weather is chilly. Our boys particularly loved all of the recreational amenities. They played Gaga ball, volleyball, and basketball. There is equipment available to borrow, which we always appreciate. Other campground amenities include:

  • picnic pavilion
  • frisbee golf
  • hiking trail
  • bark park
  • gem mining
  • solid Wifi

During the time of year we visited (spring), there was a jam-packed activities schedule on the weekends but not during the week. Once school gets out, activities are available all week. These include the Hey Hey rides, crafts at the activity center, movie nights, character meet and greets, and more.

Regional Highlights near the Jellystone Park Hill Country

We covered our whole Texas trip on Episode #185 of the RVFTA podcast. Take a listen to that show to hear all our recommendations for the region. You can also listen to our episode on Fredericksburg, Texas by our correspondent Kate Dunbar.

Nevertheless, two important things we want to note here are:

  1. The staff will arrange for a local tubing company to pick you up right at the campground for a tubing excursion.
  2. Whitewater on the Horseshoe concert venue is right across the street, so check out events that are going on during your visit!

See you at the campground!

Stephanie + Jeremy

The RV Atlas Podcast
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Hill Country, Texas

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