More Food, and the Best Kind (eating in Brattleboro, cont.)

Walker Farm, an organic farm and market was just next door to our campground outside of Brattleboro. My mother and I regretted bringing any food whatsoever from New Jersey once we stumbled into this place.
We tried to restrain ourselves from buying one of everything. Instead we left with a random assortment including corn picked that morning, a melon, a cucumber, two raspberry cookies, and some local goat cheese.
The real find ended up being some Beer Bratwurst from Green Mountain Smokehouse. The next night we had the brats loaded up with sautéed peppers and onions and–surprise, surprise– extra spicy horseradish cheddar from my new favorite cheese company. Paired with homemade coleslaw and watermelon, dinner tasted like what a perfect summer picnic tastes like.
I can’t comment on the cantaloup we bought, since I put it in the camper tub for transport from one campground to another. A loose melon in a trailer is the equivalent of a torpedo. Apparently it was a bad choice, since the overly-ripe melon burst in transit.
But my mom scrubbed the tub after that, so basically I got a great meal and a sparkling clean bathroom out of the whole thing…so thank you, Walker Farm.

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