Ten Reasons Why Your Family Should Start RVing.

Stephanie and I purchased our first RV four years ago and since then we have spent over 100 nights camping with our children.  The memories have been magical and the travel has transformed our lives in so many ways.

Are you considering taking the plunge and purchasing your first RV?  Here are ten reasons why you should do so this spring.

1. Campgrounds are much cheaper than hotels.  Much.  Cheaper.

2. Campgrounds always have more family-friendly activities than hotels.

3.  You save oodles of money by making your own meals instead of eating out in restaurants three times a day.

4. You can put your kids to bed and hang out around a warm campfire instead of setting up a mini bar in the hotel bathroom.

5.  This winter was crap.  But your family survived.  Reward yourselves.

6.  Your bed in your RV is your bed.  A stranger did not sleep in it the night before, and another one the night before that, and another one the night before that.  You get the point.

7. Closer and easier access to nature: hiking, swimming, surfing, fishing, canoeing–all of God’s creation is waiting outside your door.

8.  It is acceptable for children to run around and scream at a campground–at a hotel? Not so much.

9.  If I can figure out how to back the darn thing up, then you can too.

10.  You will meet other campers.  And campers are happy people.  You will be happy too.



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