RVFTA #24: An Ode to the Pop Up Camper

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #24: An Ode to the Pop Up Camper

We are really excited about this week’s podcast episode! Our featured segment is an ode to the pop up camper. One of our listeners, Nick, wrote in to tell us exactly why the pop up camper is a PERFECT choice for many families. Nick’s 5 arguments in defense of the pop up were so spot on, we just had to build a podcast around them.

pop up camper allentown KOA

We started out our RV journey 5 years ago by buying a pop up camper, but made the same mistake that many first time buyers do…we paid far too much and then when we wanted to upgrade to a travel trailer, we were under water. So the pop up wasn’t a long term fit for our family, but it may be for yours. Nick’s list is a perfect checklist for our listeners who are trying to decide what to buy. If you want to hear more of our thoughts on the pop up camper you can listen to one of our earliest podcasts, Pros and Cons of a Pop Up Camper.

Of course we couldn’t resist walking down memory lane and revisiting our top 5 pop up camper memories. Although our pop up caused us a lot of trouble, it was also the thing that introduced us to this amazing RV lifestyle. We are forever grateful for joy and adventure it introduced to our young family.

Speaking of pop ups, we were inspired to review the first Maine campground that we ever visited with our young boys. Camden Hills State Park is an absolute treasure and worth a visit no matter what kind of rig you are towing. You can read our original campground review here, and you can visit some of our other Midcoast Maine posts if you need a little bit of traveling inspiration:


Camden Hills



We are also sharing our second walkthrough with a Jayco representative from the Atlantic City RV Show. Megan Hiland took us on a tour of a 2015 Greyhawk Class C motorhome and almost convinced us to ditch our White Hawk and jump into a coach.

All of this…and so much more on Episode 24 of RV Family Travel Atlas: An Ode to the Pop Up Camper!

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #24: An Ode to the Pop Up Camper

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