RVFTA #70 Winnebago Goes Retro!

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #70 Winnebago Goes Retro!

Winnebago Goes Retro! blog

On this week’s episode of RV Family Travel Atlas, we are dishing on the retro options available right now from the iconic Winnebago brand. We will take a look at the brand new Winnie Drop.


With three available floor plans, it’s a great lightweight towable with a bit of stylish flare.

Winnie Drop

Winnie Drop 2

Winnie Drop 3

And we also have a great interview with John Millis, product manager of the Gas Class A lines at Winnebago. He joined Winnebago back in 2012 and oversaw the reintroduction of the Brave line, proclaiming to the world that the Brow is Back.


There are three floor plans available for the Brave as well, and here they are if you want to follow along in the discussion.

Winnebago Brave floorplan 3


Winnebago Brave 2


Winnebago Brave

Plus, listeners Heather and John from Virginia just took delivery on their brand new Brave, and they were kind enough to send us a report from the field.


You might think you have to give up a bit fuction to embrace the retro vibe. But Winnebago wants you to know you can have the best of both worlds. This is  Episode #70: Winnebago Goes Retro!

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #70 Winnebago Goes Retro!

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