RVFTA #123 Kick Those RV Winterization Blues, 2017

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #123 Kick Those RV Winterization Blues, 2017

On this RV Family Travel Atlas Podcast episode, we are back with more tips on how to treat (if not cure!) those winterization blues. Thousands of RVs across the country have been winterized and covered for the long, cold months ahead, so we came up with a brand new list of all the things you can do instead of crying quietly in your camper.

From books to projects to getting cozy in the traditional Danish style, we have something to keep you busy no matter how much you hate Mr. Jack Frost.

Segment One: 2016 Recap and Getting Hyggelig

In the first show segment, we have a quick recap of our favorite timeless tips from the Winterization Blues, 2016 podcast episode. If you missed it last year, you can check it out here:

Here are our top 6 favorite tips from that show:

  • Get ahead of your 2017 trip planning. If you want to visit any of the bucket list destinations in America, sites are filling up now. Last week, we couldn’t even get an oceanfront site at one of our favorite campgrounds for next August. Seriously, start booking.
  • Extend the camping season. Campgrounds are staying open later, and we have camped longer each fall and earlier each spring for the last couple of years. Even in the chilly northeast, you can find year round campgrounds that will offer you electric and a heated bathhouse. Try it–it might just be your next great adventure!
  • Visit RV shows. RV show season is in full swing during the winter months, and even if you are not in the market for a new RV, it’s a great way to spend a yucky winter day. Keep current on new models and pricing, and maybe dream about the next rig…
  • Print up and frame your photos, or create a photo book. We take hundreds of photos that live on our phone and never get printed up. Take the winter months to create an album of your summer travels or finally get that gallery wall up in the living room!
  • Subcribe to Trailer Life or Motorhome. These ‘old-fashioned’ print magazines are publishing great RV travel pieces every month. You can find great inspiration on the pages of these issues.
  • Conquer an RV organization project. Turn on the heat in the camper and sort through those cabinets and wardrobes. This is a great time to get rid of anything you didn’t use last year. It’s also a good time to hang up some hooks or do any other DIY projects you have been avoiding.

The Danish Tradition of Hygge (HOO-gah)

We found this article in the New York Times Styles section and we just knew it was the perfect match for all our bluesy RVers who have their campers covered in the driveway. The Danish tradition of Hygge encourages getting cozy and embracing the winter months with candlelight, fires, fuzzy knitted socks, porridge, coffee, and cake. We can get behind that sort of advice.

This tradition is getting a lot of press lately and here are the soon to be released books that we mention in the segment:

Segment 2: Stephanie’s Winter Projects

Stephanie has a whole winter of Hyggelig projects planned, and she is hoping many of them make next year’s camping season even better. Here are her recommendations:

  • Read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. If you must make resolutions, resolve to be a happier person and then do one thing a month that happy people do. Sounds like a good plan, right?
  • Make a new connection with your spouse. Come up with one indoor activity that you can enjoy together and one outdoor activity that you can enjoy together. Try to think of things that you can do while traveling as well.
  • Learn a new (non-digital) skill. Stephanie bought the Ukulele, but maybe you want to finally knit that scarf, take up needlepoint, or do a little wood carving. Do something with your hands that doesn’t involve your phone.
  • Work on some new healthy recipes that can go on the road with you. Our kids are a bit tricky about breakfast, but they usually love muffins. Stephanie is trying to find some healthy recipes that she can make in big batches for our trips next year.
  • Find a workout routine that will travel well. Stephanie is very good about going to the gym, but when we are on the road her fitness routine comes to a screeching halt. She is going to try the Aaptiv Appwhich offers on-demand audio fitness classes. You will get a full report after her trial!
  • Build a capsule wardrobe. Stephanie got tired of having a ton of clothes and nothing to wear. All the time. So she has been busy getting rid of the junk and building a small wardrobe full of things she loves. Again, she will dish more on the topic later this winter, but in the meantime if you want to check out StitchFix, that has won her heart. It’s perfect for people that have strong fashion opinions but hate to actually shop!
  • Be a tourist in your own hometown. We all have those local attractions that we never get around to enjoying. Make an actual list of 5 things that you want to do, and then work your way through it!

Segment 3: Jeremy’s Winter Picks

  • Catch up on your Netflix. Jeremy recommends Rock the Park, Bob Ross and the Joy of Painting, and Stranger Things. He also has some assignments for you that go along with each show. The teacher can’t help but assign homework.
  • Subscribe to ROVA magazine. This is a soon-to-be-released travel magazine that will be focused on Millennial and GenX travel, long form writing, and beautiful photography.
  • Take an adult education class at your local community college or county parks program. Jeremy took two photography classes already this season, and they were amazing and affordable. Never stop learning.
  • Explore Thegreatestroadtrip.com. This is the website that chronicles Jonathan Irish’s journey to all 59 National Parks in one year. Jonathan is a professional photographer with National Geographic, and his work is stunning. You can explore each park individually and start dreaming…and planning.
  • Go Analog. Jeremy has been reading The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter, and he also recently acquired a record player from Santa. And some speakers. And some records.
  • Join a non-profit that supports your local or favorite national park. We are members of Friends of Acadia, and for a $25 membership fee, we also receive quarterly magazine.

We would love to hear how you kick the winterization blues! Comment below and we might share on our RVFTA Live Chat!

News and Links from Episode #123

  • Come see us at the Florida RV Supershow in Tampa from January 18th-22nd!
  • Come see us at the Atlantic City RV Show from February 17th-19th
  • Please consider making even a small donation to our Tents for Troops Initiative
Join us for RVFTA LIVE, our new Facebook chat on Fridays, 3 pm ET!

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Until we see you at the campground–stay cozy!!!!

Jeremy + Stephanie

The RV Atlas Podcast
RVFTA #123 Kick Those RV Winterization Blues, 2017

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