The Best Bang for Our Buck: Cabela’s Hooded Sweatshirts

When Cabela’s reached out to us last year and asked if we would test camping gear, we honestly didn’t know a lot about their products. We did know, however, that they had a great reputation for value and quality, so we were happy to join their Pro Staff and start some testing.

Nine months later and we understand exactly why Cabela’s has earned such a devoted following among outdoor sports enthusiasts. We’ve totally hopped on the bandwagon, and have been happy to review many of their quality products on our RV Family Travel Atlas podcast.

So I decided it was time to write a review of the item that has most impressed me since we visited our first Cabela’s store back in June of 2016. It’s not the ice maker or the pellet grill or the cast iron starter set. It’s not the hiking backpack, life vests, or Gortex raincoats. (Although you know I love those, too!)

It’s the branded Cabela’s Hooded Sweatshirts.

I know. But seriously.

It seems crazy to write a product review about Cabela’s hooded sweatshirts. But I realized that the Cabela’s hoodies have provided exactly what I want from every single item of clothing I purchase my kids: I want clothes to be super affordable, take a serious beating, and last until the boys grow out of them.

Check, check, and check.

See, it’s easy to find cheap kids’ clothing. We all know the big chains where you can find hooded sweatshirts at a bargain basement price. But those items of clothing rarely hold up to the sort of wear and tear and washing we seem to do around here.

The flip side is that it’s also easy to find high quality kids’ clothing. But I have three boys that are growing like weeds, so it’s painful to blow the budget on name brand, premium items that will be too small in less than a year.

Enter the Cabela’s hoodies.

We bought each of the boys one of these sweatshirts during our first store visit in June of 2017. They were on sale for $24.99 a piece. Nine months later, they have been worn and washed countless times and they still look great.

The other day, Theo put his on and it looked like it was finally getting too small. That was when I realized we had gotten a tremendous value from these sweatshirts and would be happy to order another round of the next size up. I’ll also be able to keep them as hand me downs for Wes.

I can honestly say we have been impressed with the branded t-shirts and adult hoodies as well. We initially purchased these items because we were joining the Pro Staff and wanted to represent the brand. Now I’m happy to stock the boys’ wardrobe with them mostly because I think they are a great value.

So while it may be more interesting to write reviews about ice makers and cast iron cookware, every once in a while we have to give the staples their proper due. The boys need some new hooded sweatshirts soon, and I know exactly which ones I am getting.

See you at the campground!


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