Shopping for the RV Enthusiast: RVFTA Holiday Gift Guides from the Past


Are you excited about the next RVFTA Holiday Gift Guide???? We certainly are!

The next RVFTA holiday gift guide is just around the corner, and it is jam packed with something for everyone on your list. But in the meantime, we thought we would give a shout out to our Holiday Gift Guides from the past. Looking back at these products, there are so many items that we still love and use all the time.

In fact, we will be talking about some of our all-star favorites on this year’s episode!

So want to get a jump start on the giving? Check these posts out…

2014 Holiday Gift Guide

This was our first gift guide ever, and we kept it SUPER simple with only 12 products. But there isn’t one item that we wouldn’t still recommend.

The illuminated globe did finally give up the ghost, but it was pretty cool while it lasted.

glow in the dark globe

Spinaroos are still our favorite alternative to traveling with Legos, and we’ve yet to meet a campground kid who doesn’t love building with them.


Spot It is still packed in the camper, and gets pulled out on a regular basis.

spot it card game

And the Ocean Kayaks are still getting hauled all over the country on our travels.

2015 Holiday Gift Guide

The 2015 Holiday Gift Guide got a wee bit bigger, and we loved reaching out to our RVFTA community for recommendations.

This is going to be a good year for stargazing, and Kate Dunbar still loves the Orion Starblast Telescope.


The Anderson Levelers might be the single greatest gift to couples who ‘struggle’ with getting the RV backed in and leveled properly.

anderson levelers

And these rope lights get set up at every campsite, creating a cozy glow without lighting up the whole sky.

rope lights camper

If your kids are getting old enough to go to the playground without you, we highly recommend the Motorola Two-Way radios. So many of our camping buddies had them this year, that we all had to label them so we didn’t mix them up. It’s just a bonus that they will also keep the kids entertained in the hose over the course of the cold winter months…

motorola two way radio

Okay, hopefully that keeps you busy until we release our next Holiday Gift Guide over on the RV Family Travel Atlas Podcast! Stay tuned, and have a very Happy Holiday season!!!

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