It’s Time To Get Tough With Your Sock Drawer: Darn Tough Socks

At the beginning of the summer, after reading an article in the Wall Street Journal,  I decided to get Darn Tough with my feet and with my sock drawer.  I decided to purchase two pairs of high end socks made by Darn Tough in Vermont (for hiking and casual wear) and to throw away 12 pairs of my funkadelic old socks.  I wanted to create some space in my sock drawer and test out some sweet new socks while hiking in Vermont.  I ended up falling in love with them.  Here’s why.

My socks get very sweaty and nasty after a long hike, and even after a long day at work.  I pretty much never wear the same pair two days in a row.  Miraculously, after completing several rigorous family friendly hikes in the Green Mountain State, my Darn Toughs stayed dry and did not smell at all.  The Merino wool really does breathe.  This, to me, was a minor miracle.  I was able to wear the same pair of socks for several days in a row without having to hang my head in shame.  So when I got home from Vermont I bought a few more pairs, and threw out another round of funky oldsters.

As summer came to an end I started to think about going back to work at my teaching job.  And I started to think about my feet again.  You see, there is nothing I hate more than buying work socks.  I usually buy a couple of bags of Dockers and wear them in rotation until they are filled with holes.  These socks usually smell awful after a day at work and they head directly into our washer.  So in a moment of inspiration I decided to get Darn Tough with my work socks.  I contacted the company and asked for a sample of their Argyle “Lifestyle” socks.  One of their friendly representatives sent me a free pair in “Forest” green.

I decided to wear them to work for a whole week and check their smell level at the end of each day.  But they never did get smelly.  I promise.  I felt like I was putting on a new pair of socks every morning.  The nineteen dollar price tag on these bad boys started to seem more and more reasonable after each day of use.  They may cost more than other socks but you need far fewer of them.  I am now picturing my sock drawer with about 12 pairs of Darn Tough socks in it and almost nothing else.  I picture myself living in a state of advanced sock drawer Zen.

Happy feet.  Neat sock drawer.  Made in America.  A lifetime guarantee. What’s not to love about Darn Tough?  The socks are pricey.  But worth every penny.  My feet don’t stink anymore after a long hike or an even longer day at work–and neither should yours.


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